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Atlas Health

Atlas Treatment and Vertigo

Updated: Mar 14, 2024


Vertigo is one of the most disabling conditions any human being can experience. When people are first diagnosed with vertigo, they often see a number of Vertigo specialists and have a variety of MRIs that show that things are “normal.” They then may see a number of doctors of vertigo specialists who can never seem to agree with what is actually going on:

  • Meniere’s Disease

  • Vestibular Neuritis

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV, aka “crystals in the ear”)

  • Vestibular Migraines

  • Cervicogenic Vertigo

So many different names that no two vertigo specialists can seem to agree on? Why is that?

Many times, it is because the true cause of vertigo is not some sort of structural pathology (e.g., tumour, infection or bleed), but a functional disorder that occurs when there is something affecting the way that your brain processes balance information.

And these types of conditions don’t appear on CTs, MRIs or other tests unless you are looking at them in a very different way.

This brings us to the point of this article: the role of the upper neck in vertigo, and how a relatively unknown form of healthcare known as “upper cervical” or “alas treatment” may be able to help people with vertigo.

Atlas Treatment in Brisbane for people with Vertigo

If you are like most people who learn about the “Atlas Treatment,” it’s because you’ve had to do your own research because you haven’t gotten results anywhere else, or nothing else that anyone is saying makes any sense. Let us try to make better sense of things for you then.

The atlas is the name of the top vertebra in the neck. Its alignment and position influence blood flow to, from and within the brain. Even if arteries or veins are not completely obstructed, a tightening or irritation of the area can affect the normal flow and possibly be one of the reasons why people may experience vertigo.

Another, perhaps more likely reason, is because the joints above and below the atlas contain a huge number of mechanoreceptors: i.e., nerve endings that transmit to the same centres in your brain that receive input from your eyes, inner ear and jaw and that are essential for balance. If there is ever a mechanical problem affecting the transmission of these nerve messages, vertigo may well be the end result.

Then, when you have a CTR or MRI to find the cause of your vertigo, you can’t find anything. Why? Because it is a functional issue.

In a nutshell, the alignment, movement or position of the atlas can have an effect on the nerves, and as a consequence produce many potential symptoms, which include vertigo.

So when it comes to vertigo treatment, at least from our perspective, the name of the condition (i.e., diagnosis) is not near as important as what the true underlying cause is, and even more important what you can do for it.

Atlas Treatment and Vertigo Diagnosis in Brisbane

The way that atlas treatment for people with vertigo works is by first identifying if there is indeed a problem with the alignment or movement in your upper neck. Often, people with vertigo will also experience headaches, migraines, neck pain, shoulder pain or TMJ problems, which are also strong signs that there is a problem with the neck.

The way that we assess for problems with the atlas that could be causing vertigo is by means of physical and neurological testing using specialised diagnostic instruments that help identify areas of physical stress in your muscles including your upper neck, and also identify areas of neurological stress in your spine via infrared paraspinal thermography.

If we identify that there is a problem with your atlas that could be related to vertigo, we then take a series of customised diagnostic images very different from a standard x-ray, CT or MRI. These scans are taken from stock angles and do not take individual anatomy into account, which in our opinion is one reason why so many atlas alignment problems for people with vertigo go undiagnosed.

With this information, we can measure the exact location, direction and degree of any misalignment of your atlas (or lower vertebrae) so that we are able to provide the most precise care possible, which increases the probability of getting help with vertigo.

When it comes to vertigo, there can be many things all happening at once, so in truth, even the atlas treatment may be only one of a few things that you need. Like solving a combination lock, you can’t open it with just one digit. In the same vein, that is the reason why we never say that atlas treatment is a direct cure for vertigo or any other condition.

Simply put, the body does not work that way.

The way that atlas treatment works for vertigo is simply by restoring the normal alignment, motion and function of the top bone in your neck so taught your own body is able to heal itself naturally. And provided no other complications, this is able to make a big difference to help many people who experience vertigo.

Where do you find Atlas Treatment in Brisbane?

Atlas Health Australia is the premier atlas treatment and upper cervical specific healthcare centre in Brisbane. Our focus is helping people with chronic health challenges including vertigo, often for people who “have been everywhere else and had all the tests, but everything is normal.” Our goal is to help them find long term solutions so that they can get back to enjoying the things in life that matter most to them.

Dr Jeffrey Hannah is our principal upper cervical chiropractor, who performs the atlas treatment. He is an advanced certified instructor with the Blair Society (Intl), international lecturer, published author, and recognised leader in Australia and abroad in the field of upper cervical chiropractic.

Even if you have tried general spinal manipulation or chiropractic, there is a major difference with the atlas treatment/upper cervical specific approach that Dr Hannah uses. He has over 15 years helping people from around Australia experiencing vertigo and other neuromuscular conditions.

If you would like more information, Dr Hannah offers a complementary 15-minute over the phone consultation to discuss your individual case and to answer your questions so that you can decide if atlas treatment may be right for you.

You can contact our clinic direct in North Lakes (North Brisbane) at 07 3188 9329, or send us an email through the Contact Us link on this page.

It is our privilege to help you find the right solution to vertigo.

Atlas Health Australia - Atlas Treatment Upper Cervical Chiropractic for people with Vertigo in Brisbane


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