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The focus of Upper Cervical Care is the correct alignment of the two vertebrae in the spine: the atlas and the axis.

Think of your spinal cord as a computer cable that transmits information between your brain and the rest of your body. The atlas and axis protect the brainstem, which is the control centre for all communication in the brain and body.


These top two vertebrae also support the full weight of the head: approximately 4.0 Kg, which is the same weight as a bowling ball.


  • Body Imbalance

  • The Misalignment


When the atlas and axis are aligned, the brain is able to communicate properly with the rest of your body. Your body is able to function and do what it is supposed to do. However, if the atlas and axis are not aligned, they cannot support the weight of the head and create body imbalance. This imbalance creates tremendous physical stress through every joint in your body.


  • Migraine Headaches

  • Stress Headaches

  • Sore Shoulders

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Lower Back Pain

  • Tingling in the Hands


The Nervous System


An upper cervical misalignment may also disrupt the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. This problem may lead to a wide array of neurological or spinal related disorders, which people have reported to improve following upper cervical care.


  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • (MS)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Vertigo or Dizziness

  • Difficulty Concentrating


A Different Approach


Upper Cervical is remarkably different from what most people experience as “general chiropractic.” With years of research and development in America, it is still relatively new to Australia.


The focus of Upper Cervical chiropractic is to correct a misalignment of the upper neck. Although the scope of Upper Cervical care is small, by addressing the cause of injury at the power source means there can be potential benefits throughout the body.




Select Citations


Edwards IJ, Deuchars SA, Deuchars J. The intermedius nucleus of the medulla: a potential site for the integration of cervical information and the generation of autonomic responses. J Chem Neuroanat. 2009 Nov;38(3):166-75.


Win NN, Jorgensen AMS, Chen YS, Haneline MT. Effects of Upper and Lower Cervical Spinal Manipulative Therapy on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variability in Volunteers and Patients With Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled, Cross-Over, Preliminary Study. J Chiropr Med. 2015;14(1):1-9. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2014.12.005.


Zoccal DB, Furuya WI, Bassi M, Colombari DSA, Colombari E. The nucleus of the solitary tract and the coordination of respiratory and sympathetic activities. Frontiers in Physiology. 2014;5:238. doi:10.3389/fphys.2014.00238.


Burcon MT. Health Outcomes Following Cervical Specific Protocol in 300 Patients with Meniere’s Followed Over Six Years. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ June 2, 2016 ~ Pages 13-23.


Terrett AGJ, Gorman RF. The eye, the cervical spine and spinal manipulative therapy: a review of the literature. Chirp Technique, 1995;7(2):43-54.


Yang L, Yang C, Pang X, et al. Mechanoreceptors in diseased cervical intervertebral disc and vertigo. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Apr 15;42(8):540-546.


Damadian RV, Chu D. The possible role of cranio-cervical trauma and abnormal CSF hydrodynamics in the genesis of multiple sclerosis. Physiol Chem Phys Med NMR. 2011;41:1-17.


Elster EL. Eighty-one patients with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care to correct vertebral subluxation: a retrospective analysis. J Vertebr Sublux Res. 2004;2:1-9.


Flanagan MF. The Downside of Upright Posture. Two Harbors Press, 2010.


Rosa S, Baird JW. The craniocervical junction: observations regarding the relationship between misalignment, obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid flow, cerebellar tonsillar ectopia, and image-guided correction. Smith FW, Dworkin JS (eds): The Craniocervical Syndrome and MRI. Basel, Karger, 2015, pp 48-66 (DOI:10.1159/000365470).


Sandro Mandolesi S, Marceca G, Moser J, et al. Preliminary results after upper cervical chiropractic care in patients with chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency and multiple sclerosis. Ann. Ital. Chir., 2015 86: 192-200. pii: S0003469X15023763

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