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Cervicogenic Dizziness

Balance Disorder
Understanding Cervicogenic Dizziness

Are you or a family member been diagnosed with cervicogenic dizziness? How severely has it affected your daily life? Your ability to stand up? To get work done? What about how you feel? Your mood? Do you still feel like the same person you used to be? Or do you find yourself feeling depressed on anxious as soon as the sensation hits.?


One of the most frustrating things about cervicogenic dizziness is that you appear 100% normal on the outside. But on the inside, that is a whole other story. You try to describe to other people what you are experiencing: “It’s like being on a moving boat,” or something like that. However, what they can’t understand is how that movement affects everything in your life! To a certain degree, things like pain - even severe pain - you can block that out. But cervicogenic dizziness, that is a whole other monster! When the feeling comes over you, it’s almost impossible to feel anything else.


Add to it the sense of depression and anxiety that goes along with it. If there is any one way to make any human being feel depressed or anxious, it is to give them a problem that they can’t solve. And if you have been dealing with the sensation for any length of time, you may even be starting to wonder if you will ever be able to get your life back. It has been my experience working with people who experience cervicogenic dizziness that the person who does not feel anxious or depressed is the abnormal one!



Vertigo Disorders

Vertigo Disorders

Are you Looking for a Solution for your Vertigo and Dizziness?

Hard is it to block out the spinning sensation when it’s there? Almost impossible! And is it affecting your life? Your time with your family? Your work? Your weekends? How many doctors, “ vertigo specialists,” vestibular physiotherapists and other practitioners have you been to when the only thing that you’re told is, “We can’t find the cause of your vertigo and dizziness, but we’ll give it a name like ‘Meniere’s disease’ or ‘labyrinthitis' or ‘vestibular neuritis.’


Are you sick of taking the medication that doesn’t really work anyway? Wouldn’t you rather find the cause of the problem so that you can fix it? So what if I told you there was a natural approach that could help you with vertigo and dizziness? Would you want to know? If so, let me ask you: have you considered the possibility that your vertigo and dizziness may have nothing to do with your inner ear, but that they could be coming from your upper neck?


What no one has ever told you about Vertigo and Dizziness

Vertigo and dizziness comes in a variety of flavours: Meniere’s syndrome, beniegn proxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular migraines, mal de baquement syndrome (MDBS) labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis and so forth. So that you know where I’m coming from, I don’t really care much what the diagnosed name is: I want to know what’s causing your vertigo and dizziness! That way, we can actually do something about it!



Dizziness Conditions

Dizziness Condition

What is Dizziness and what upper cervical does?

Constant and persistent dizziness is one of the most emotionally and physically draining symptoms that any human being can suffer. On the outside, you look normal. What’s more frustrating is that even when you have tests - blood tests, CTs or MRIs - there results all pretty come back as being “normal.” Except what you experience is anything but normal. So what are you left to do? Take medication? Do the exercises? Change your diet? Reduce your stress?


But what if that isn’t enough? What if the dizziness persists? When it comes to dizziness, there is a major difference between the cause and the triggers. Yes, stress is often a major trigger. However, stress can only aggravate something that is already there. So if you’ve had all the tests to know that the problem isn’t a brain tumor, an infection, or damage to your brain or inner ear organ, have you considered the possibility that your dizziness could be linked to an undiagnosed physical problem with your neck? If so, then there may be a non-drug, non-surgical option that you’ve likely never heard of before called Blair upper cervical care.


In brief, Blair upper cervical care is a special division of chiropractic that focuses on the relationship between the vertebrae in the top of your neck - the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) - and your nerve system. Upper cervical care is a post-doctorate certification that requires years of additional study, and unlike other forms of general manipulation, there is no twisting or cracking the neck involved at all. The major difference is precision, and with the right level of precision, upper cervical care has a long record of being able to help people with many conditions, including dizziness.


In this article, I’d like to share with you the potential relationship between your neck health, dizziness, and how this unique approach may be able to help you enjoy the quality of life that you desire most.



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